Striking the Ball

The concept of striking the ball plays out in any scenario where you wish to dispose of the ball, preferably to a teammate or shot on goal.
This covers passes of varying distances, shots at goal, crosses, and also includes both heading the ball and throw-ins. For a goalkeeper, they would include throws and volleys in this category.
A defensive player looks to do whatever they can to interrupt these moves, affect the flow of play from the opposition, and challenge them to possession of the ball.
How To Shoot A Soccer Ball With Power And Accuracy From Far
Concentrate on contact with the ball, power comes from better technique rather than a harder swing.
If you hit the ball correctly, you will get the power. A wild swing is likely to cost power. You want to strike the ball with the upper inside of your boot, supported by the large foot bone in your shoe. It’s the most solid part to make contact.
Make contact with the correct part of the ball. The sweet spot is dead centre on the opposite side of the ball to the direction of travel. Hitting the sides of the ball will bend the shot, while directly behind will give you the most power. Watch your balance. Leaning over the ball will keep it lower.
Lock your ankle, and land on your kicking foot.
Practice technique as often as you can, as muscle memory will build with practice.
Improve your weaker foot.
Having a weaker foot is a choice. You choose to have a week foot or a strong foot when you decide to practice one over the other. If you choose to improve your weaker foot, make an effort to do the same number of reps of any exercise with both feet.
Keep a skill ball handy to dribble around the house. Focus on keeping the ball on your weaker foot while it develops. Get to a park with a wall. Dribble there with your week foot.
Complete 500 cumulative juggles on your weaker foot. If you drop the ball, pick it up and keep going until you have done 500 total touches with your weak foot.
Complete 500 cumulative passes, rebounding off the wall, with your weak foot.
Complete 500 cumulative shots. Concentrate on technique and good contact with the ball.
If you can't get to a park, all these exercises can be completed in your home.
There are two key ideas in this video. The more repetitions you complete, the more you will improve. The more you analyse your technique with each foot, the more you will improve.
To recap
- Dribble at Home.
- Dribble to a Wall.
- 500 Juggles.
- 500 Passes.
- 500 Shots.